Salmon Fish Cakes With Yoghurt Dill Sauce
Serves 4 – Preparation time 30 min – Ready in 40 min
3 teaspoons of olive oil
5 Shi take mushrooms finely chopped
1/2 a spring onion finely chopped
400g cooked salmon
1 teaspoon of grain mustard
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
A few drops of fish sauce
Chilli to taste
3 tablespoons of chopped cilantro
200g of mashed potatoes
100g flour
3 eggs
Panko breadcrumbs
Salt (carefully add for the soy sauce will already have added a salty flavour)
For the sauce
200g of natural yoghurt
3 tablespoons of fresh dill, chopped
Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan with the oil and set aside to cool.
Put all the other ingredients in a bowl and mix together as well as the cooled shi take mushrooms
and form the mix into 8 patties.
Beat the eggs lightly and get the flour and bread crumbs ready.
Take the fish patties out of the fridge and coat them first with flour, then the egg and lastly through
the bread crumbs.
Fry on both sides in olive oil and place in a preheated oven 190C for 10 minutes.
For the sauce, pepper and salt the yoghurt and mix in the chopped dill.